serah farron (ffxiii)
agnès oblige (bravely)
rinoa heartilly (ffviii)
ryne (ffxiv)
vanilla (wec)
florette (soleil)
juniper woods (aa5)
luna (ze)
trainer hilda (pkmn)
claire elford (wh)
lina (four leaf)
this makes me happy please don't make fun!
i see myself in and project onto these characters.
page secret for now so if you find it congrats :)
video games: final fantasy (iv, viii, x, xiii, xiv). bravely. pokemon. ace attorney. persona 3. zero escape. ai: the somnium files. animal crossing. fantasy life. minecraft.
other media: steven universe. alien stage. d&d. neopets. a lot of misc anime.
music: mili. youth lagoon. various vocaloid producers.
other: abstract art. cute/pink things. pasta. plushies.
currently doing: reclears!
white mage main / average dnc / leveling everything atm.
i also like to play dress-up and craft and gather.
main/xweetoks . aishas . cybunnies . misc . labray
i recently got back into neopets, but i first started playing in 2006!
i enjoy developing my neopets ocs. i will probably post about them a lot!
feel free to neofriend me!
* on a bit of a hiatus right now!
pokemon: reshiram. togekiss. lilligant. glaceon. slither wing. volcarona. dragonair. azumarill. alcreamie. may. n harmonia. hilda.
misc games: juniper woods. athena cykes. chiaki nanami. akane kurashiki. luna. sigma klim. iris sagan. kaname date. kizuna chieda. vanilla. nao egokoro. aigis. yukari takeba. rise kujikawa. yuelia. claire elford. noel levine.
anime: hagumi hanamoto. miwako sakurada. nia teppelin. alicia edelcia.
web comics: lina (four leaf). florette (soleil).
do not follow if:
under 18.
racist, lgbtphobic, ableist, or a pedo / map. no freaks.
post or condone incestuous or pedophilic ships.
use or condone the words tr*p or f*ta.
pr*gnancy (+ anything related like ab*rtions).
h*mestuck (positive mentions of).
su*cide baiting ("kys," "go die"), even "jokes."
su*cidal ideation ("kms," and any variations).
the r-slur and variations of it.
if i repost, like a post from, or follow someone bad please let me know in dms.
i am not spoiler free for everything, but will often tag for spoilers of new things.
if you frequently post things on my blacklist untagged i will mute or possibly unfollow.
i don't always keep up with my timeline, so if i miss something important i apologize!
thanks for reading! have a lovely day!
art on about page by DRabbitzDrtz!
art on ffxiv page by jinglestan!